Neighborhood Conversations


…. if we say we are followers of Jesus, then we can’t be following the teachings of Buddha. Christian means Christ follower, how can you say you follow Jesus AND follow Buddha?
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Oscar – I have peace reading the Bible.

Also the next time we met with David, David was telling us that Oscar has no interest in other books other than the bible, and in fact, for school, Oscar is doing a book report on the bible. David said that Oscar told him, “Ever since I first started reading the bible, I have felt this peace while reading it that I haven’t had anywhere else.”
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Salvador – Pray for a better year next year.

December 2022 Conversation. Salvador is the Spanish word for Savior. Jakin and I were knocking on doors last evening and we met a young man named Salvador. We first asked if we could pray for him and he said, “yes, please pray for a better year next year.” This man spoke English so God allowed me to share more than I normally share with Spanish conversations. I started asking…
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