General Updates
Are you crazy for Jesus?
Are you Crazy for Jesus? Question for you? Are you crazy for Jesus? Does the world or the church you attend think you are a little extreme? Maybe you aren’t crazy after all.The Apostle Paul tells us the following in 2 Corinthians. 11 Because we understand our fearful responsibility to…
November Updates on Evangelism
Where are the Workers?
Where Are the Workers? Jesus tells us about the Harvest in the book of Matthew…Matthew 9:37-38 NLT – 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send…
Big Changes
Discipling Others
I Know You! – Javier
Music at Church!
Music at Church Last year we bought a guitar. The kids have been doing great learning songs. In the last three weeks most of them have played and sang at church. Here they are! The songs are popular Christian tunes, but in Spanish. Playlist 3 Videos Our God by Christ…
The Times Are Telling Alot
The times we are currently in sure do tell a lot! I was preparing a message to teach to our teams in South Asia the other day. I have been teaching a series titled “All Things New”. I started the series talking about God creating the world everything it it then…
Helping the Church in Mexico
Motivating the Church in San Luis When we visited the church in San Luis, we had the opportunity to share our testimony of what God has been doing through us. 4+ years ago we sold everything and gave it all away. We continue to live simply so we can give…