What We Do

Jesus set us on a path of following him many years ago. In the recent past, God convicted us on ways that we weren’t fully committed to him. From that point on we were determined to do God’s will.

Isaiah 50:7 NLT 7 Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.


We had set our faces set like stone and were determined to do God’s will. God’s will is simple; he wants us to reach souls. Souls are eternal and they truly matter to God. When you look around you, not one thing that you see is eternal. But contained within the human bodies of your neighbors, co-workers, family members, etc. is a soul that is so incredibly valuable that God came down to this earth in the form of Jesus to make a way for us to be with him forever.


Souls matter. With our family we are most concerned about souls. Our life on this planet is so very short; we need to make the best use of our time.

No better use of the time than winning souls!

That is why we use the phrase, “Just One More Soul.” Can we win one more soul for Jesus? Can we point one more soul to Him? Can we be the hands and feet of Jesus to one more soul today? Can we encourage one more soul in their faith today?


We have found that the Mexican culture is very warm and open to talking about spiritual matters. Our family goes out four nights a week, for about an hour and goes door-to-door praying for people. We simply knock on the door and ask if the person needs prayer. This typically continues to a spiritual conversation where we find out what they believe and understand about faith in Christ. We also find out what they understand about Biblical truth. These are souls that God is allowing us to impact for eternity.

RUN Global

My full-time work with RUN Global allows us to have an impact half-way around the world. We have the opportunity to encourage and equip our team members to be faithful witnesses in their countries. Currently our team members and their disciples are sharing the Gospel with 25,000 people each week. Many souls are getting saved and equipped to share their new-found faith with others!