General Updates

Jesus is Coming Soon

Hello Team, Let us not forget that Jesus is coming soon. The time is very short. If you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, would you live differently today? We should be living with expectation of Christ’s imminent return, every day. That is what drives us each and every day…
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English Worship Song in Nepali

You may remember a popular Christian artist from the nineties named Rich Mullins. He wrote a song called Awesome God. If you were in a church with contemporary music in the nineties, you will recognize the tune. I was surprised to hear this song be played in a church…
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One More Soul

From the beginning…. of our work in South Asia and the continued work in Southwest Arizona, we had titled our newsletter “Face Like Stone.” This phrase comes from the book of Isaiah. Isaiah 50:7 NLT – 7 Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore…
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San Luis Outreach Update

I mentioned in our last newsletter that we have said, “goodbye”, to Somerton, AZ, but we said HELLO to San Luis, AZ. We have been walking the neighborhoods, knocking on doors to pray and point people to Jesus. We are having some wonderful conversations. I know just…
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Closer to the Border

This month we said goodbye to Somerton, AZ. Last July when we moved to Arizona, we started attending a Spanish speaking church in Somerton. Shortly after we arrived, we started knocking on doors, praying for people, and sharing the Gospel in this town. I am happy to report…
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Outreaching – January Update

At Christmas time we celebrate the birth of our savior. But have we ever really thought of what he did? Jesus came to this earth as a helpless little child. He had to learn to walk, to talk, and to be potty-trained. The creator of the universe humbled himself and…
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Merry Christmas – 2021

Hello dear friends, Merry Christmas! We hope and pray that this finds you well. We are thankful for you. We launched our work in the fall of 2019 and God has done some amazing things. We are thankful you are a part of our team! We pray that God’s abundant…
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Baptizing Mitch

One of our neighbors named Mitch, moved to Yuma to work in the RV park in September for the winter. He is a young guy (27), from Wisconsin. We became good friends and had many morning walks in the desert talking about God. I have fully shared the Gospel with…
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Helping a Christian Widow

One of our team members mentioned a Christian widow in a village he visited that was in need. Many homes are cheaply constructed of bamboo, mud and a roof of hay. During the rainy season, the ground can get saturated along with the mud walls causing them to slump. In…
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Visiting Tacna and Hyder

Hello dear friends, We spent the month of October away from Yuma. The church we attend near Yuma has a couple of sister churches in some smaller towns east. We went to the towns of Tacna & Hyder. It was a refreshing change of pace to be in the quiet…
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