Witnessing to a Neighbor

In the RV Park

One of our neighbors named Mitch, moved to Yuma to work in the RV park in September for the winter. He is a young guy (27), from Wisconsin. We became good friends and had many morning walks in the desert talking about God.

I have fully shared the Gospel with him and he had seemed very interested in surrendering his life to Christ. We then left the RV park for a month and returned early November. Some things changed in the park and the management was moving a different direction with maintenance. Mitch was no longer employed here, bummer. 

He was then telling me about what he had been reading in his Bible and that his friends keep asking him “what changed”. He has been encouraging his friends to read the Bible and to go after God. We had some further conversations about his faith and taking Baptism. I reminded him again that Baptism is the public declaration and outward sign of the inward change.

After a going away lunch the next day, Mitch decided to get Baptized. The Colorado river is a little cool this time of year, but it sure was exciting to see him taking such a huge step in his faith by obeying in this simple way.

 Keep praying for him and that he continues to go after God!

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