Jesus is Coming Soon

Jesus is Coming Soon

Update for December

Hello Team,

Let us not forget that Jesus is coming soon. The time is very short. If you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, would you live differently today? We should be living with expectation of Christ’s imminent return, every day.

That is what drives us each and every day to let Christ’s light shine through our lives and to go out, knock on doors and see what God does. God certainly shows up when we do!

Blessings to you!

Knocking on doors…is it hard?

The physical act of knocking on doors is not hard. I realize that I am stating the obvious. But we can have a full range of emotions during the day leading up to the actual outreach. So, what is the deal? 

Even after knocking on doors, four days a week, for almost two years, I still fight my flesh.
We can be anxious for the unknown. We can be fearful of what is going to happen. We can worry about what others are thinking of us.

But should we not be most concerned what Christ thinks?

Christ is sovereign. He knows all and is above all. Christ knew what was going to happen to him when he came to earth. He also knew what was at stake… us! Out of his great love, he humbled himself and was born a human. He then faced much rejection all the way to the cross. And do you know what Jesus was thinking?

Hebrews 12:2 NLT – 2 We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

Jesus was thinking about love, he was thinking about the joy of making a way to the Father for us. 

The question for you is – what are you willing to do for love? Are you willing to be uncomfortable to share your faith? Are you willing to trust God and see what he does? Are you WILLING?

If we aren’t willing, then what faith do we have? What is our faith in?

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