The pastor was very moved by our story and by our heart to reach the lost. He was asking if he could use us to help motivate his church and get them more involved in evangelism.
With this new training they are now equipped to go back to their cities and invite other pastors, churches, Christians to come and learn about how to reach their nation for Christ!
I always like seeing other cultures celebrate religious holidays. Their unique cultures and countries often dictate tradition.
I then asked if she understood what Easter or Passover was all about. She said, “no, I just hide the eggs.”
“Thanks! I’ll be home in 25 minutes,” was the response through the RING doorbell. Rather strange, but God was working here. God had been working on this man a long time.
Also the next time we met with David, David was telling us that Oscar has no interest in other books other than the bible, and in fact, for school, Oscar is doing a book report on the bible. David said that Oscar told him, “Ever since I first started reading the bible, I have felt this…
“I really liked what you were saying. It touched my heart.”
Jude and I showed up that night to meet up with Jessie and Josue. I had just given Jesse a Bible the night before and he had read 16 chapters from the book of John overnight.
“I am never at home, so it is surprising that you talked to me today.” It was rare to catch him at home and outside, but this is right where God wanted him to be.
From Mike Keator
As believers we’re called to participate in the Great Commission. This is your opportunity to do just that! Through your support of RUN Global, you can partner with how God is moving in hearts and lives in India and Nepal, but we can’t…