RUN Global Ministry Updates

RUN Global Mosquito Nets

A few months ago, we did an appeal for mosquito nets. Here is the wording from that appeal. Every year mosquitos are a real problem in Nepal and India, especially from May to October. But now with COVID cases rising again in these areas the danger is even greater. Imagine…
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New RUN Global Logo

We have been doing much work behind the scenes to make the organization more efficient and effective to Reach the Unreached Now in south Asia. Some of the behind-the-scenes work will always stay behind the scenes. But I do want to announce some new things ready for…
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RUN Global Team Expansion

Our team leaders in Tikapur, Nepal have been praying about starting a new team site along the East/West Highway in Nepal. This highway is strategic because it runs the entire length of Nepal and there are many large cities are along the route. Recently the leaders took…
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RUN Global 2020 Overview

In spite of the virus and the lockdowns, 2020 was a year of major expansion. We expanded from 12 teams to 20. We expanded from 94 indigenous team members to 210. We grew from 154 churches to 350. We expanded from 555 training groups to 1,210. We grew from 261…
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RUN Global Growth

We have had wonderful growth in our team sites this year in South Asia. At times it seems like we take two steps forward and one step back, but progress is being made. We are actively evaluating our sites and teams, if some are not bearing much fruit,…
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New RUN Global Video

We have spent many months working on a promotional video for RUN Global. We want the world to know about the great work and wonderful opportunities happening in South Asia. I want to thank Dan, Mark, & Luke with LiveWire Films. They did a fantastic job of scripting,…
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RUN Global september 2020 update

From our founder and president – Mike Keator! Explosive growth is happening right now in Run Global ministries in India and Nepal: We just commissioned a new team to Purnea, Bihar, India. Four additional teams are now forming for the cities…
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COVID Ministry Update

We have been encouraged by our teams efforts to continue meeting over Zoom and other platforms. Our participating in our Discovery Groups and T4T groups has shrunk a bit, but we are still making progress and pressing on. We are praying that what we have learned and accomplished…
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COVID ministry

With the lockdown in Nepal and India our ministry efforts were slowed down a bit; but our teams have carried on! Our teams were unable to meet in person for their T4T groups, Discovery groups and team meetings. Welcome to the Zoom World! Our teams have been…
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Ministry Update

The ministry in Nepal / India is rapidly growing, five months ago, we had five teams, now we have eleven teams in India and Nepal, and three more are forming (the map above shows our training center locations)! People are coming out of the woodwork to join up to…
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