RUN Global 2020 Overview

RUN Global 2020 Overview

RUN Global 2020 – What a Year!

In spite of the virus and the lockdowns, 2020 was a year of major expansion. We expanded from 12 teams to 20.

We expanded from 94 indigenous team members to 210.

We grew from 154 churches to 350.

We expanded from 555 training groups to 1,210

We grew from 261 non-believers in Discovery groups to over 10,000.

All glory and praise to God our Father!

These Nepali Villagers received aid and joined Discovery Groups!

RUN Global 2021

RUN Global saw the LORD work mightily in and through our teams in 2021.  Our teams and team sites increased greatly.  We are believing God for bigger things in 2021. 
We are praying that God will allow us to open 10 more training centers and support 70 more workers in South Asia.  Those training centers would be in areas unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

Here are our 2021 Goals:

  • 10 new training centers
  • 5,000 more Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims attending weekly Discovery Bible Studies
  • 2,000 more Christians attending Training for Trainers groups
  • 600 more churches

Please be in prayer for us and God’s plan for His work through RUN Global.

RUN Global 2021 – Working to Grow

I just mentioned our goals for 2021.  With the increased size of the organization we need to get more help.  We have hired a firm to help us with getting RUN Global more known.  As a ministry we will need to increase our finances to support the increased team sites and workers.  I don’t want to bore you with details but this will include a redesigned website, social media expansion to Facebook, Instagram, etc, increased advertising to help people be aware of the great work God is doing in South Asia and prayerfully they will join us financially too!  

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