RUN Global Growth

Team Sites

We have had wonderful growth in our team sites this year in South Asia.  At times it seems like we take two steps forward and one step back, but progress is being made.  We are actively evaluating our sites and teams, if some are not bearing much fruit, we may consider closing them.  We also make evaluations on future locations and future leaders.  In 2020 we have closed four sites, but have opened eleven.  Right now there are eighteen teams total and two more ready to launch!

Team Sites

Discovery Groups

In December of 2019 we launched Discovery Bible Studies or Discovery Groups.  Many other church planting movements or disciple making movements have utilized DG’s.  Our teams responded well and launched many groups.  We had 2000 non-believers in our groups prior to Covid.  We currently have over 8000 non-believers in our DG’s.  

T4T Groups

Training for Trainers (T4T) groups are for equipping Christians to be effective in the Gospel and effective in training others to train others.  Last week there were 1164 groups led and 50 new groups started.

T4T Group


Ten new churches were started last week and a total of 295 churches led.

Salvations & Baptisms

We saw thirty-five people pray to receive Christ and there were twenty-five baptisms last week.


New Team Launched in Bihar

Our team leader in Bihar recently launched a new team in Purnia.  Bihar is a northern state in India along the Nepal border.  This state has a population of 117 million people.  95% of the population hasn’t heard the name of Jesus!  There is much work to do!  There was an existing ministry group practicing T4T and church planting.  In February this year  I had the opportunity to share with many them and encourage the believers.  We interviewed the team members and hired many to form this new RUN Global team.  We hope and pray for a mighty work of God through the team there.

Other Recent Newsletters/Stories

CPM Training

Church Planting Movements CPM Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 I wrote about some initial CPM (Church Planting Movement) training events earlier this year. Those initial activator training sessions were preparing our teams for now. These new training events are happening now across all of our teams in India…

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…a man yelling and praising Satan at the top of his lungs?… at least he’s not lukewarm…
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