India And Nepal

Read the stories from our time in India and Nepal, beginning with our flight to India and including stories all the way up until we left India.

Leaving India

We stayed in and followed the lockdown mandates and only ventured out for our essentials. Our team leader Ravi was occupied with 20 guests in his house. He recently got married the first part of February and his wedding reception was to be held on March 21st. So his family…

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Train Riding

Our first experience with the trains wasn’t so glamorous. (SEE STORY HERE) We ended up on a 16 hour cross country “van” ride that seated 7, but there were 9 of us. This time we had tickets for an overnight train from Bihar to Varanassi. It was a big scramble to get on the train. The stop…

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India Update

We spent a lot of time teaching and training some students at a next door youth hostel in the state of Bihar. It was a wonderfully enjoyable time. Many friends were made, along with many memories. We had the opportunity to learn to sing some worship songs in Hindi. We…

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It took a little while to get adjusted to India. In another newsletter I had reported feeling like people were suspicious of us, or had a watchful eye. In reality though, it was more of a curiousity. We are a family of 7 of white skin folks and with two of kids with blonde hair. Where we were staying…

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