2023 RUN Global Goal

1.5 million gospel presentations on 2023?

From Mike Keator

As believers we’re called to participate in the Great Commission. This is your opportunity to do just that!

Through your support of RUN Global, you can partner with how God is moving in hearts and lives in India and Nepal, but we can’t delay. People are hungry for the gospel NOW.

Our approach to train in-country missionaries to evangelize has proved incredibly effective. In fact, in the last 14 years across South Asia, 10 million people have heard the good news, 100,000 have received Christ, and 1,000 churches have been started through RUN Global.

This coming year may be one of the most pivotal for our ministry yet. Will you stand with us through a tax-deductible gift today? Your gift now is doubled in impact up to $38,000 with a Matching Grant.

Your partners in changing the world,

Mike and Su Keator

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