Travel Updates
Road Trip Update
We have driven 3185 miles and visited 14 states since the first of August. We have slept at 1-Menard’s, 2-Costco’s, 3-Walmarts, numerous rest stops and many host homes / churches over the last month and a half. We still have some distance to go, namely the LONG flight to India on October 1st.
Visiting Campus Churches
Other Recent Newsletters/Stories
Ayudame – Help Me We will go anywhere to talk with people about Jesus. Just on the other side of the border there are many people in desperate situations. These are great opportunities to help and also to share the love of Jesus with them. We have gone across the…
November Updates on Evangelism
November Updates on Evangelism What have we been up to?In the past few months we have started working some new fields. We will go wherever we can find people to talk to. Wherever there is a crowd…. let’s go!YOUTH GROUPS: Our kids have been attending several different youth groups and…
Where are the Workers?
Where Are the Workers? Jesus tells us about the Harvest in the book of Matthew…Matthew 9:37-38 NLT – 37 He said to his disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. 38 So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send…