Let’s build God’s kingdom and not worry about adding to our church. That’s God’s business.
that is 13,058 doors that have been knocked on in less than 2 years.
…. if we say we are followers of Jesus, then we can’t be following the teachings of Buddha. Christian means Christ follower, how can you say you follow Jesus AND follow Buddha?
The day of the children is a day they celebrate in Mexico. It is a big deal and it is an opportunity to have a party….
As she was pulling up to park, she was tempted to not stop because she saw all these people walking (our family). She was wondering what all these people were doing. Then she met me, but most importantly she met God.
What you said is laying heavy on me. We don’t know when Jesus is coming back and we don’t know when we will die. The time is now to decide if you accept God’s free gift of salvation or to reject it.
The pastor was very moved by our story and by our heart to reach the lost. He was asking if he could use us to help motivate his church and get them more involved in evangelism.
With this new training they are now equipped to go back to their cities and invite other pastors, churches, Christians to come and learn about how to reach their nation for Christ!
I always like seeing other cultures celebrate religious holidays. Their unique cultures and countries often dictate tradition.
I then asked if she understood what Easter or Passover was all about. She said, “no, I just hide the eggs.”