November 29, 2021


When we go out, we drive to our location, then we pray in the van before exiting. As I was praying that day I said, God you can move people and bring people to where you need them to hear your message. I also said I was excited to see what God was going to do that day. Raul was…

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Daniel – Laura and Bekah met him recently. After talking for a while, he shared his testimony. A year and a half ago he needed a surgery. The doctors only gave him a 10% chance of survival. During the operation he either died or had a vision where these evil spirits were…

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Baptizing Mitch

One of our neighbors named Mitch, moved to Yuma to work in the RV park in September for the winter. He is a young guy (27), from Wisconsin. We became good friends and had many morning walks in the desert talking about God. I have fully shared the Gospel with him and…

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