Neighborhood Conversations

Lily – I have purpose here ….

I have a purpose here…. Grace and I (Laura) went up to house of a Mexican Christian lady, Lily, who quickly agreed to prayer and brought her 3 beautiful daughters out to pray for them. Two of them were struggling with depression and thoughts of killing themselves. The one girl, Nicole, was 12yrs old and had completely lifeless eyes and had to be coerced into going…
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David – I was living under a rock

I was living under a rock… Bekah and I (Jude) knock on a door, and a teenage girl answers the door, we pray for her. By the end of the conversation, there is another person there, a guy named David. He is the same age as I am (16 years old), and we had a great conversation. He is a Christian, and he is the only Christian in his family. His parents do not like it when he shares his faith, and he was very happy to…
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Just Show Up – Simple Obedience

Just show up… Many times, in the past I have battled my sinful flesh when it comes to simple obedience. I remember times where I was just off and my body was telling me, “You need to take a break, you need to rest, you have had a long day, take time for yourself, you don’t need to go to that Bible study tonight.” Am I alone in this? Sometimes I…
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You Just Don’t Wake Up and Decide to Do This…

Jakin and I (Ryan) were paired up this night. Typically, I am solo, with the rest of the family in pairs. Seven family members don’t divide evenly by two! Laura was out of town and two of our kids were at a church youth group. I have had a reputation for getting in to LONG conversations. Jakin jokingly said it would be neat to…
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Hazel – Bad Dreams

Grace and I (Jakin) met a Catholic man named Hazel. He told us he isn’t very involved in his faith. I was able to encourage him to spend time with God by reading the Bible. I told him that most people would rather spend time watching something on TV or doing…
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Cesar – I got shivers…

I (Ryan) met a guy named Cesar. I spoke with him across the yard as he was grilling. I explained that we were in the neighborhood praying for people. He didn’t seem interested as I was talking over his barking dog, so I told him I had some verses to encourage him in his faith. He then…
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When we go out, we drive to our location, then we pray in the van before exiting. As I was praying that day I said, God you can move people and bring people to where you need them to hear your message. I also said I was excited to see what God was going to do that day. Raul was…
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