Hello all, we are currently on the move towards Minnesota and beyond. We would love to meet with you if you would love to meet with us! ENCOURAGING STORIES:
God is doing a mighty work in our midst and we have a wonderful opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission in…
We stayed in and followed the lockdown mandates and only ventured out for our essentials. Our team leader Ravi was occupied with 20 guests in his house. He recently got married the first part of February and his wedding reception was to be held on March 21st. …
We arrived in New Delhi around March 17th. Things were starting to slow down more and less people were traveling. The train we arrived on in New Delhi was practically empty. When we arrived we arranged a taxi to get us to our place to stay. …
With the lockdown in Nepal and India our ministry efforts were slowed down a bit; but our teams have carried on! Our teams were unable to meet in person for their T4T groups, Discovery groups and team meetings. Welcome to the Zoom World! Our teams have been…
This verse really spoke to me… I know God is in control and he can calm the storms around us. He is using this storm to open our eyes and bring us to him. Psalm 107:28-31 NLT – 28 “LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he saved…
Our first experience with the trains wasn’t so glamorous. (SEE STORY HERE) We ended up on a 16 hour cross country “van” ride that seated 7, but there were 9 of us. This time we had tickets for an overnight train from Bihar to Varanassi. It…
We spent a lot of time teaching and training some students at a next door youth hostel in the state of Bihar. It was a wonderfully enjoyable time. Many friends were made, along with many memories. We had the opportunity to learn to sing some worship songs…
It took a little while to get adjusted to India. In another newsletter I had reported feeling like people were suspicious of us, or had a watchful eye. In reality though, it was more of a curiousity. We are a family of 7 of white skin folks…
Have you ever just looked around in wonder at how this tiny, microscopic virus, that has spread like wildfire, managed to close the world? I have certainly wondered that. But I also wonder and look forward to seeing, how God is going to use this virus for his…
By Jakin
After coming to Nepal, I found that there are some different sounds that you hear. In Kathmandu, as well as other cities in Nepal and India, there is garbage pickup, but there is not a set day for the pickup. Instead, a person walks around the city blowing a…