COVID Ministry
Ministry During COVID
With the lockdown in Nepal and India our ministry efforts were slowed down a bit; but our teams have carried on! Our teams were unable to meet in person for their T4T groups, Discovery groups and team meetings. Welcome to the Zoom World! Our teams have been successful in staying connected with their groups and their teams even with limited outside movement!

We need to keep pressing on despite the challenges of the day! The world needs to hear. The world needs to be reached! We just need to be creative and use all the tools we can to keep the work going!
Huge Opportunity to be the Hands and Feet of Christ!
In India and Nepal millions of day laborers live hand to mouth. They have no savings and depend on end of the day wages to buy supper for their families. When these nations were locked down, they immediately lost their livelihood.
In response we are giving our Indian and Nepali employees an amount equal to their monthly wages – to give away to the most needy people in their Training groups, Discovery Bible Study Groups, and house churches, together with the gospel message and with prayer for all in the name of Jesus. Through this our Lord Jesus is being magnified, glorified and exalted. Already reports are coming in of the gratitude people are expressing. One team leader said that seven people have come to Christ and three want to be baptized.
Our Run Global teams have been out distributing rice, lentils, cooking oil, salt and hand soap to desperate people who have lost their jobs because of the lockdowns. We’ve spent $11,000 on food items and will spend thousands more in the coming weeks. Your generous donations are making it possible. “If you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the afflicted one, then your light will shine in the darkness…” Isaiah 58:10. The light of Christ is shining bright because of you! Here are a few of their stories:
“I am blind and I was workless during the lockdown but pastor Virendra of the Run Global Sitapur team helped me so much. He brought me rice and pulses and cooking oil and soap. I am thankful to God that he provided me food. I will continuously stay with God and I will always believe in God and I am very happy to Jesus! Thank you. God bless you all”.
Mr Mulai
Village: Rohilla, Sitapur, Uttar Pradesh, India
(Photo to the right)

My name is Salina. I have two children. We belong to Great commission church. My husband worked in a school as a security guard before the lockdown. Due to the lockdown he lost his job. Soon we ran out of money. Physically we were weak. We were praying to God and He heard our prayer. I’m very thankful to Jesus and Great Commission Church. Now we have everything Jesus has provided us. THANK YOU! (Photo to the Left)

Our team members came across a pathetic situation of some lower caste poor people of the Kushbandiya people group. They lost their jobs so now they spend most of their time begging for food on the streets and house to house. When they can’t find work, they migrate from place to place. The children don’t go to school.
This girl, (photo above) Mehar, age of 12, is going to start a fire, hoping her parents can find some rice and vegetables to cook. Their tent is behind her. 6 family members live in the tent. Her mother and father have gone to the bazar area searching for work. They haven’t eaten in days. Run Global team members gave them some sacks of rice and lentils.
RUN Global was able to release money to our team members to minister to those affected by the crisis. God is doing a mighty work and we pray that this work will bring others to Him! If you are interested in donating to this special fund, you can click the button below!

Please pray:
One hundred thirty Run Global team members are out right now, giving essential food to believers and “not-yet-believers” in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are also ministering to them with prayer and the gospel message. Pray that many will sense and experience God’s love for them and come to Christ.