October Update – RUN Global News
Update for October
Hello Team, we are grateful to you and for your prayers and financial support! Your support allows me to work full-time with RUN Global.
You know our hearts; you know our passion. Our passion is to see others come to know Jesus. Whether it is the work in South Asia, building teams, equipping Christians, and reaching unreached people groups. Or it is our work in evangelizing border towns in Arizona.
You may know us really well and you may not be as familiar with RUN Global, but your support of us is supporting RUN Global. Thank you!
This month, I wanted to forward our recent RUN Global newsletter. I hope that you are encouraged by the work you are supporting!
Blessings to you!
From the Founders
We just got off a zoom call with some of our native missionaries in Nepal. We were incredibly encouraged, and we hope you will be too! Because of your support, the gospel is rapidly advancing in Nepal. In fact, 20,000 people are hearing the good news of Jesus Christ every single week.
At this pace, by next year over 1 million people will have heard the gospel as a part of the Nepali Challenge. That means we’re on track to reach every person in Nepal within the next ten years. That’s remarkable!
We pray you’re inspired by this, because truly every dollar you donate to RUN Global has eternal impact. You can feel confident when you give to our ministry. Not only does RUN Global meticulously track how many people are hearing the gospel, joining a Discovery Bible Study group, accepting Christ, and attending a house church—but RUN Global is also backed by the ECFA.
Getting ECFA credentialing is a rigorous process. What it means for you as a donor is that RUN Global has financial and doctrinal accountability. So, you can trust that every gift given is truly invested in what matters most: the life of a man, woman, or child.
We hope you see the impact you’ve made through the stories in this newsletter.
Your partners in changing the world,
Mike and Su Keator

A few months back, I shared a financial update with you. At that time, we were running a deficit and quickly burning through our budget buffer.
I was blown away by the number of donors who responded. So many faithful friends like you stepped up to the plate to give. I was grateful to see our community rally around RUN Global to put us into a better financial position.
With the number of native missionaries doubling in the last two years, we’re still running lean, and we simply can’t pull back on seeing the gospel advance in India and Nepal. We must continue responding to the call of God to move forward as a ministry.
Any additional gift you can give today will help us reach people in South Asia with the good news. Thank you for your continued outpouring of generosity!
Take a look at this video of a recent house church service in South Asia. While these believers’ homes, countryside, and worship may look different, their hearts and passion for the Lord is the same. Feel blessed knowing you’ve helped to make this happen! Thank you for supporting native missionaries and every person who’s come to know Jesus through our ministry.
SUBSCRIBE. After you watch the video, please subscribe! We are close to 100 subscribers. Once we are at that value, it gives us additional channel naming options.