CPM Training

CPM Training

Church Planting Movement (CPM) Activators Training

Mike & Su Keator (President of RUN Global and his wife) have been in Nepal for the past few months. They took the opportunity to interview our entire team. That was nearly 200 indigenous workers. This took a lot of time, but was time well spent. 

They have also been conducting a lot of training sessions across Nepal to train our workers how to have their own Church Planting Movement (CPM) Activator Training. This training will help our teams to cast the vision, with the how, why, whom, questions answered. It is a way, if a person truly understands it, to rapidly multiply disciples and churches.

With this new training they are now equipped to go back to their cities and invite other pastors, churches, Christians to come and learn about how to reach their nation for Christ! We can have Training for Trainers (T4T) groups that start more T4T groups that start more T4T groups. We can get churches to start churches to start more churches.

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