Our Unique Opportunities

Our Unique Opportunities

What is God Showing Us?

Do you remember the TV show Quantum Leap?  The TV show ran for about 5 years in the late 80’s and early 90’s.  The premise of the show was this man, Dr. Sam Beckett who developed a time traveling machine.  He was able to go back in time, but not as himself, but showed up in the body of another person.  During the show Sam had to find out why he was there.  Once he figured out the purpose and did the work, he leapt to another place in time and to another location.  As I was reflecting on our recent time in Bihar State in India, I was praying and wondering what God’s plan was for us here.  It feels like Quantum Leap sometimes.  From outward appearances our time here would be different than other sites.  The team leader is still working full time until he is done with his job in April.  The team is spread out and they don’t have daily meetings.  So here we are, staying for 6 weeks, what will we do? 

God has also shown us the need to water the seeds of our team.  These Christians face some real challenges with persecution and fear of it, so we have felt called to encourage these believers and help them grow in their faith.  Their roots need to go down deep into the soul of God’s love.  If their roots are deep, then when troubles come, they won’t have the encouragement and nourishment from that rich relationship with Him!  They would be like the rocky soil as portrayed in the Gospels.   

God has also given us a unique opportunity right next door.  Our team leader’s parents run an orphanage with 16 boys aged 7-17.  It has been a wonderful opportunity to teach, train, and encourage these kids.  Our kids have made some really good friends.  Many late afternoons are spent playing Cricket.  I don’t know what God has in store in their future, but we are excited to see what God will do! 

Next-door Indian Boys

I have also spent some time traveling to villages to encourage, teach, and pray over Christians.  It has been a really great opportunity!

Praying over Christians

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Other Posts:

Where Did You Get This Guy?

He’s over their praying for people? How do you know him? That was the questions from the commanding officer at the California Hwy Patrol Station event that day….

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Anniversary Evangelism

I am typically the odd man out, evangelizing by myself while everyone is paired up. Well on our anniversary, the kids put us together…

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There is No God!

To go from there is no God to a point where there is a God, I’ll call that a win. She didn’t receive Christ that day, but I invited her to church and also gave her my number. I pray that God continues to work in her hard. Pray that God removes her stony heart and gives her a tender and responsive heart.

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