Street Preaching in Yuma!

Would you be crazy enough to go street preaching?

We had the opportunity to go street preaching with a church group.  I have done many things to share the gospel with others, but I haven’t done that. 

Would you do it?

My perspective is that I will do anything to share Christ. I will do anything to support and encourage others to share Christ too. There are very few people willing to share, but so many people need to hear! 

As I was standing on the sidewalk, holding my sign, I couldn’t help but have a huge smile on my face. I was thinking about what JOY it is to serve our King and what a joy it is to be called by his name.

I was also thinking about the freedoms we have to share His name with others. A friend in India recently told me that there were 10 pastors arrested in his city. You might be asking why they were arrested…. simply because they are Christians sharing about Jesus.

He has done so much for us, wouldn’t you be willing to share about him too?

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