Wait, Wait, What Church Do You Go To?
Bekah and her friend Marley rang a doorbell, and a guy answered but he was in a hurry to get back inside. He wasn’t quick to take our paper with Bible verses, but he finally took it. The girls hadn’t had many people answer the door that night, so as they walked away Marley was telling Bekah that she was bummed that they didn’t get to share with him.
As they were walking towards the street, they heard a woman running after them saying, wait, wait, what church do you go to? The girls went back to the house to talk with her.
Monica grew up in the Catholic church and has had some struggles lately. She is losing her eyesight.
She had just been searching on the Internet to see if God is real. She asked God to show her a sign. Well, this was her sign. As soon as she was searching for this on her phone, the girls rang the doorbell and talked to her husband.
The girls talked with her and encouraged her. She also talked with Laura too. Laura made sure she understood the gospel. The woman was just crying because God answered her prayer.