I Just Hide the Eggs
A few days before Easter, I knocked on a door and didn’t get a response. Sometimes I can hear people inside talking, but they don’t always answer. I was just starting to place our information on the door when Alondra opened it. I was a bit startled, but then shared why I was there.
She asked for prayer, and I explained in Spanish that my prayer would mostly be in Spanish, but a little bit in English. She then said I could pray in English because she understands it.
We went on to have a very long conversation about faith. She said she believes in God but doesn’t go to church. I asked her if she was to die today and God asked her why he should let her into heaven, what would she say? She said she was a good person. She always tries to improve and learn from mistakes. She is a good mom and co-worker.
I don’t know about Easter; I just hide the eggs.
As I explained the Gospel to her, and that no one is good. What we deserve for all the wrong we have done is hell. I then asked if she understood what Easter or Passover was all about. She said, “no, I just hide the eggs.” The fact that Jesus came down to earth, to die, so that he could provide a way for her to be in relationship with God forever. This is the greatest message in the world. I think it was sinking in.
God Sent You!
I went through everything and told her God’s plan for her. She also said, “my co-worker and I were just talking about God and faith.” Then she said, “God sent you.” I agreed that God is sovereign and there is nothing outside of God’s control and this meeting was not by accident. This was God pursuing her and coming to her door to call her to him.
I gave her some verses and a Spanish N.T. Bible. She was very appreciative. Her life was changed that day. Pray that she pursues God and comes to know him!