God You Have to Help Me! - Story of Kevin
At the end of January I knocked a door in Yuma and proceeded to tell this man named Kevin, why I was there and that I could pray for him. To be honest, I really didn’t think that Kevin would want prayer or anything at all. This man has a big frame, lifts weights, and had many tattoos. He also didn’t look like a guy that wanted to have a spiritual conversation.
God had a surprise though. He did want prayer so I prayed for him and then had a longer conversation with him. He was telling me many of his struggles in life, struggles with his ex and the young daughter that they share.
But he also talked about what God was doing. He had been struggling with many things and God had been trying to get a hold of him.
He had gone to a local church and was trying to find someone who could guide him and give him advice, but they didn’t seem to want to help. He also mentioned that he wanted to get baptized. I talked through that with him about the significance, and the reasons why to get baptized.
At the end of the conversation I prayed again and told him I would be happy to help him any way I could. I would walk with him to help him grow and learn about God. I gave him our outreach card and a hug when I left. He said he would call.
The next week Laura asked if I wanted to follow up with Kevin because we had such a great conversation. I said, “no, he has my number”. There have been many times where we have great conversations, but we never hear from them again.

Fast Forward 8 Weeks Later...
I received a call and voicemail from Kevin last week Monday. He said that he really wanted to get baptized. I told him I would be happy to do that for him. We made plans for the next day. I picked him up and brought him to our home for a quick Bible study of baptism, then I baptized him in the RV Park pool.
The time after the baptism we had some time to talk at our home. He said that right before I showed up he had just punched a tv a broke it. He was at the end of himself and really frustrated. That is when I showed up, at his door, full of God’s peace and a big smile. GOD’s TIMING IS AMAZING! He told me that the night I stopped by that he couldn’t stay angry seeing the joy on my face. He could hardly contain himself from crying.
He also mentioned that he had seen my number a couple of times and wanted to call, but he didn’t. He also mentioned that he was glad that I didn’t pressure him and come back to his house. 🙂 I am glad I had peace waiting on God’s timing!