Hector – Laying heavy on me

This guy’s different

What you said is laying heavy on me.

Recently as we walked the neighborhood, I (Ryan) came up to three guys working on truck outside. I engaged in conversation and asked if they needed prayer. Rafael and Omar both pointed to Hector. They were joking that he is the one that needed the most prayer. I proceeded to talk with them for over 1/2 hour and told them about God’s plan of salvation. Omar was the primary talker, Rafael was listening and continuing to work on the truck, and Hector was quiet, but listening carefully.

I asked them all why God would let them into heaven. Omar said because he has always believed and that God knows his heart. I then asked him if he ever spends time with God and he said no. I asked them why would they want to spend eternity with God if they don’t want to spend 80-90 years with him here on this planet. It doesn’t make sense. I then shared the gospel with them about it is all Christ. He accomplished it all. We could never be good enough to be accepted by God, it is only through Christ’s sacrifice that we are made right with Christ.

I encouraged them to receive the message of salvation through Christ. We don’t know when Jesus is coming back and we don’t know when we will die. The time is now to decide if you accept God’s free gift of salvation or to reject it. I left them with New Testaments and a sheet of verses with my phone number.

A week later I get a call from Hector saying telling that he woke up with the words I shared, laying really heaving on his heart. He asked if we could talk. I went over the next day and spoke with him for about 1/2 hour. He told me a brief life story, some very hard things in his past with drugs, almost dying in the hands of the drug cartel, losing family members, etc. He is 31 and needed to get a lot off his chest.

Before he called he was cleaning up his room and saw the Bible with my number in it. He asked his wife if she put that there and she said no. She said I think you should call him. You have a lot of things to work out.

Hector told me that he had thought about going to a counselor, but they are just getting paid and that didn’t seem right. He thought about going to a church, but he has issues he needs to work out. He said to his wife, “this guy’s different.”

Hector had some emergency family things to take care of. Please pray that we can get together and continue the conversation. He is ready to turn his life over to Christ. I pray that he chooses that soon.

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