Jesse – I am afraid of dying
I am afraid of dying.
I (Ryan) went to the first house as we started outreaching and rang the doorbell. To be honest, after 2 years I am getting a little tired of the “Ring” doorbell chime. Sometimes people answer the door. Sometimes no one answers. Sometimes you get an automated message stating that they cannot come to the door right now and I can leave a message if I would like. Even rarer is when someone isn’t home and decides to answer through the doorbell, remotely. I have prayed for people through their doorbell. I have left messages before. They are a useful device.
“Thanks! I’ll be home in 25 minutes!”
This day I rang the doorbell and a man answered remotely. I said I am a Christian in the neighborhood praying for people. I then left some verses for him. I then told him to have a great day. I then started walking away and he said, “thanks and I’ll be home in 25 minutes.”
This comment about the timing when he would be home was rather strange. I haven’t had anyone say that before. I didn’t think much of it and continued to the next house.
Our family finished the street we were on and we still had time to do some more houses so we headed back towards our van. As we were walking back, I noticed that the garage door was open at that first house. The car was in the garage, and I could hear music playing inside. I didn’t want to go into the garage and frighten the person sitting in the car, so we proceeded to knock on some doors on the cross street.
One of our team got into a long conversation and the rest of us finished up that street. I told my Jakin to go and get the van and I was going to go back to that first house.
Jesse answers the door and says, “Hi Christian.” I responded saying that I am a Christian, but my name is Ryan. He is young, about 25 years old, and married. He is also the father of a 1 month old little girl. Jesse and I proceeded to have a very long conversation.
Jesse proceeded to tell me about how he doesn’t have any faith background. His grandmother is Catholic, but his parents don’t go to church. He then told me that he feels like God is trying to get a hold of him. He also said he has fears of dying. I shared the Gospel with him and told him of God’s wonderful plan of salvation and of God’s wonderful plan for him. I told him that he needs to start reading the Bible and the book of John is a good place to start.
“I got nothing!”
I asked if he had a Bible and he said, “I got nothing.” I went back to our van to get a Bible for him and asked him if I could come back over the next night. I said I wanted to show him the verses that show him how to be saved. We made plans for the next night to meet. Well now he has a Bible and a plan to read it.
Jesse was very eager to have this relationship with Christ. He was very eager to know more. I was very eager to show him more through the scriptures. To Be Continued.