Visiting Tacna and Hyder

Visiting Tacna and Hyder

November 2021

Hello dear friends,

We spent the month of October away from Yuma. The church we attend near Yuma has a couple of sister churches in some smaller towns east. We went to the towns of Tacna & Hyder. It was a refreshing change of pace to be in the quiet of the desert and to be able to see some amazing stars!  

We knocked on lots of doors in Tacna and Dateland. The homes are few and far between. It was encouraging to say the least. Anytime we get the opportunity to share about Christ, it is a great day!

Thanks again for being a part of our team!

Out of Yuma

We attend a Spanish speaking Baptist church in Somerton, AZ.  Here is a picture from yesterday. This was after the second service, so the first service didn’t make the photo. 🙁

Church Photo

This location is the third church started by Pastor Jorge. The two other churches are in smaller towns to the east of Yuma. We went to those locations for two weeks each to outreach, pray, and invite people to church. It was a time of refreshment in the quiet of the surroundings. And it is always good to knock on doors and point people back to Jesus.

2 Corinthians 5 talks about us being Christ’s ambassadors. One verse really jumps out to me as we go door-to-door.

2 Corinthians 5:19-20 NLT

19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. 20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!”

God is making his appeal through us. There are some that don’t want to have any conversation, but many do. We are just pointing people back to Jesus. He is coming soon!

Outreaching Photo

Keep praying for the soil in people’s hearts!

One More Soul – Uno Mas Alma

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