The Times Are Telling Alot

The times we are currently in sure do tell a lot!

I was preparing a message to teach to our teams in South Asia the other day. I have been teaching a series titled “All Things New”. I started the series talking about God creating the world everything it it then calling it 

all very good. Adam and Eve were in the Garden, they disobeyed God and sin entered the world.

Sixteen hundred years later sin had permeated everything and when God looked over everything he could only fine one man that was truly righteous. This man was called Noah. God had plan to start over. He told Noah to build a boat and then gather two of every kind of animal and bring them on the boat. It took Noah between seventy to one hundred years to build this boat. During that time through his actions and we assume his word, that he was preaching this message of repentance. For a hundred years no one believed and entered the boat, except his family. 

2 Peter 2:5 NLT – 5 And God did not spare the ancient world–except for Noah and the seven others in his family. Noah warned the world of God’s righteous judgment. So God protected Noah when he destroyed the world of ungodly people with a vast flood.

God warned Noah what he was going to do. Noah warned the people what was going to happen.

It has now been 4400 years since the flood. The world with 8 billion people, mostly not following God, what does God see when he looks over the world? 

God has warned us through many prophets of old about the coming end times. He tells us the end times will be very difficult. God had told us this and we need to tell others.

We can see what is happening in Israel now. There are many signs that seem to say that Christ is coming soon. Only God knows the timing, but we are told to look for the signs.

This is what compels me and my family to keep sharing and keep being faithful with the message of the cross. Is there One More Soul that we can point to Jesus today? Is there One More Soul that we can snatch from the flames of judgement? Is there One More Soul that we can encourage in their faith today?

I feel like Jesus could come back any moment. As I look at my worn out shoes I wonder if I will have to buy a new pair before he returns. If it is really soon, probably not. We will see!

May you all be faithful with the great message in the world. It isn’t just the good news; it is the best news ever!


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