One More Soul
New Tag-line
From the beginning….
of our work in South Asia and the continued work in Southwest Arizona, we had titled our newsletter “Face Like Stone.” This phrase comes from the book of Isaiah.
Isaiah 50:7 NLT – 7 Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.
We are still determined to do God’s will, but as we have been knocking on doors for the last year and half, we can’t get this saying out of our mind.
When we are in the neighborhood, can we find One More Soul and point them to Jesus?
When we are attending church, is there One More Soul that we can encourage, motivate and equip them to do the ever-important task of sharing the Good News?
Will you take this tag-line and make it your own? There are souls perishing all around us. Do we love them enough to help them find Jesus?
Jesus is coming soon; time is running out….
Last month I shared on information on my work with RUN Global in South Asia (India, Nepal). Please continue to pray for the growth of the ministry. There are over 1 billion souls in South Asia that have never heard the name of Jesus!
Down below I have included some pictures from knocking on doors in San Luis, AZ. I pray that you will be encouraged and motivated to keep knocking!
May God Bless You!
Pictures From San Luis Outreaching