Easter in Mexico

Easter in Mexico

Agua Vive Iglesia

Several months ago, we met a young, 20-year-old, college student at one of the churches we visited in Yuma. Our kids connected with him and he became more and more intrigued by our family.

He has been outreaching with us a few times and has been over for dinner too. We have really enjoyed getting to know him!

This young man’s name is Brody and he has an interesting story about himself. He is from Oregon and his home church has been supporting a small church in Mexico for the past 20 years. They have sent mission teams every year and Brody has been a part of them. One year he was there, he felt really frustrated that he couldn’t communicate with them very well. So, he put his mind to and starting studying Spanish really diligently.

He has also felt the call to do medical missions or to be a missionary someday. He started taking college courses in his hometown in the pursuit of a nursing degree. After two years he transferred to Yuma to finish his degree. He came to Yuma for the main purpose of being a part of this church in Mexico.

He invited us to join him there at Easter and we had a wonderful time. There were some big obstacles I overcame on Sunday.  1. Being comfortable to try to speak Spanish all day. 2. Not panic when trying to speak Spanish. 3. I actually prayed in Spanish, in front of the church for the food we were about to eat. That is a miracle in itself. 

He was very moved by our story and by our desire to reach the lost!

Laura and I spent a few hours afterwards talking with the pastor. Then we talked with the pastor and his wife and another key church leader for another hour or so. The pastor was very moved by our story and by our heart to reach the lost. He was asking if he could use us to help motivate his church and get them more involved in evangelism. In a few weeks we will return and help them go door-to-door in their small town to share the Gospel and hand out invitations to an upcoming church event. Please pray for this opportunity to spur on the body of Christ!

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