August Update
We have been really busy the last month or so. We did some traveling to visit some family, then finishing all that was involved with selling our home. We closed on our home August 5th. My last day of work was on Friday August 9th. On the 10th we headed up north to share at churches in Warren, MN, Grand Forks, ND, and Fargo, ND. We came back to the Twin Cities on August 25th and spent the week doing maintenance on our new home. Our new home is a 33′ camper!

Our church the Urban Refuge will be sent us off along with some other missionaries. It was a really touching service; I am incredibly grateful for our church and for their support!
We then headed east to share at some more churches!
September 3rd we shared at Grace Campus Church at Purdue University
September 5th we will share at Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis IUPUI
Then on September 8th we will be in Columbus, Ohio.
We will also have some time to spend with family in Pennsylvania, then currently our last speaking engagement in Tallahassee Florida on September 17th.
We will end in Birmingham, Alabama where we will leave our camper and van with Laura’s dad. We then fly to Chicago for a night, then a long flight to New Delhi on October 1st. We are excited to see what God is going to do!
What will we be doing
We will be serving with RUN Global. RUN stands for Reach the Unreached Now. There are over 3 billion people in the world that have never heard the name of Jesus. There are 2.1 billion in South Asia alone. We will be training indigenous workers to be effective in evangelism.
RUN Global is dedicated to Reaching the Unreached Now. RUN differs from some other good mission groups, in that it specifically focuses energy and resources on reaching the unreached, taking the Gospel to the less reached places and persons, prioritizing those who have never heard, in the places never reached.
RUN Global utilizes T4T (Training for Trainers) methodology to mobilize and train indigenous workers to evangelize, train, and start churches with the end goal of having multi-generations of teams and a church planting movement.
RUN Global trains anyone that wants to be trained with the hope that some will become effective trainers and can help start church planting movements. RUN Global has trained over 15,000 people and will train 3,000 more this year.
Our goal is to be catalysts that create streams of churches birthing churches to the 4th generation and beyond. We are doing this in two ways: 1. Starting new Great Commission churches that multiply, and 2. By envisioning, training, and coaching the leaders of other networks of churches. We start new Great Commission churches by evangelizing the lost and enfolding the converts into new churches. We disciple them and train up aspiring leaders to lead them. We find church network leaders and recruit them to this vision.
We hire indigenous believers who have the capacity and influence to win over network leaders and coach them. We motivate those we hire by creating report forms that give them opportunity to report and map the generations of churches under their leadership. We pay them according to the level of movement forming influence they have reached. There are currently 74 full time workers with a goal of having 100 by the end of 2019.
Photos of Our New Home