There is No God!

I knocked on the door and asked if she needed prayer. She said she didn’t. I continued to ask her questions like if she had a faith background and her response was, “there is no God”.

I continued to talk with her and ask her questions about her initial statement.

I asked her what happens when she dies. She said she will get cremated. I told her that cremation accounts for the body, but what about your soul? She said that her soul will be live on in someone else. When someone dies, their soul is given to someone else.

I told her that it sounds like reincarnation. Hindus and Buddhists believe in that. I said then it sounds like we are all recycled souls then. But I then asked her who decides who gets the recycled soul? Wouldn’t that have to be a God to do that? And since the population keeps increasing, is there some sort of soul bank to house these souls?

I told her that the Bible is God’s word, and he has an amazing plan for our lives. The Bible tells us all about Jesus and it is a remarkable book. The Bible contains prophecy that predicts Christ, hundreds of years before he came. She argued about the authors of the Bible. She also responded a couple of more times that there is no God.

Her arguments were very weak, and I could sense that she must have had some hurts in the past that make her think there isn’t a God.

I knocked on the door and asked if she needed prayer. She said she didn’t. I continued to ask her questions like if she had a faith background and her response was, “there is no God”.

I continued to talk with her and ask her questions about her initial statement.

I asked her what happens when she dies. She said she will get cremated. I told her that cremation accounts for the body, but what about your soul? She said that her soul will be live on in someone else. When someone dies, their soul is given to someone else.

I told her that it sounds like reincarnation. Hindus and Buddhists believe in that. I said then it sounds like we are all recycled souls then. But I then asked her who decides who gets the recycled soul? Wouldn’t that have to be a God to do that? And since the population keeps increasing, is there some sort of soul bank to house these souls?

I told her that the Bible is God’s word, and he has an amazing plan for our lives. The Bible tells us all about Jesus and it is a remarkable book. The Bible contains prophecy that predicts Christ, hundreds of years before he came. She argued about the authors of the Bible. She also responded a couple of more times that there is no God.

I proceeded to share about Jesus and his death, burial, and resurrection for us. He came so that he could purchase us forever. God sending his son to die for us is proof of his love for us.

I shared that God loves us and calls us his masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10), that he knit us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13), and that he has the hairs on our head numbered (Matthew 10:30).

After about half an hour she said that she had an abusive boyfriend in the past. That she had gone through a lot in her life, and she couldn’t believe there was a God if he allowed all that pain.

I said God gives us a choice to do good or bad and that she can’t blame God for someone else’s choices. God gives us the opportunity to love, he didn’t make us robots.

God allows those in the faith to go through trials. The trials refine us and prove if our faith is real. I told her that God allows things in our life to get a hold of us. The trials for those that don’t know him are to get us to the end of ourselves. She responded that maybe this was her end point that she was broken.

To go from there is no God to a point where there is a God, I’ll call that a win. She didn’t receive Christ that day, but I invited her to church and also gave her my number. I pray that God continues to work in her hard. Pray that God removes her stony heart and gives her a tender and responsive heart.

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There is No God!

To go from there is no God to a point where there is a God, I’ll call that a win. She didn’t receive Christ that day, but I invited her to church and also gave her my number. I pray that God continues to work in her hard. Pray that God removes her stony heart and gives her a tender and responsive heart.

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