San Luis Outreaching. Watch our video update on our work in SW Arizona!
I have a purpose here…. Grace and I (Laura) went up to house of a Mexican Christian lady, Lily, who quickly agreed to prayer and brought her 3 beautiful daughters out to pray for them. Two of them were struggling with depression and thoughts of killing themselves. The one girl, Nicole,…
I was living under a rock… Bekah and I (Jude) knock on a door, and a teenage girl answers the door, we pray for her. By the end of the conversation, there is another person there, a guy named David. He is the same age as I am (16 years old),…
Just show up… Many times, in the past I have battled my sinful flesh when it comes to simple obedience. I remember times where I was just off and my body was telling me, “You need to take a break, you need to rest, you have had a long day,…
Here is a recent video I put together for RUN Global. Our teams are reaching nearly 30,000 people with the Gospel every week. Please watch and praise the Lord for the work He is doing!
Hello Team, Let us not forget that Jesus is coming soon. The time is very short. If you knew Jesus was coming back tomorrow, would you live differently today? We should be living with expectation of Christ’s imminent return, every day. That is what drives us each and every day…
You may remember a popular Christian artist from the nineties named Rich Mullins. He wrote a song called Awesome God. If you were in a church with contemporary music in the nineties, you will recognize the tune. I was surprised to hear this song be played in a church…
Hello Team, we are grateful to you and for your prayers and financial support! Your support allows me to work full-time with RUN Global. You know our hearts; you know our passion. Our passion is to see others come to know Jesus. Whether it is the work in South…
I (Ryan) met a young man named Rafael. He admitted he was a backslider. The term means that you used to go to church and you use to pursue God and a life of faith. But now you are not. I encouraged him and implored him to…
Jakin and I (Ryan) were paired up this night. Typically, I am solo, with the rest of the family in pairs. Seven family members don’t divide evenly by two! Laura was out of town and two of our kids were at a church youth group. I have had a reputation…