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RUN Global News From the Field

Hello Team, this month I wanted to share with you the most recent RUN Global newsletter. This is actually the first e-newsletter that we have sent. We will still be continuing to send our paper newsletters through mail also! There are some wonderful things to celebrate. I…
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Outreaching – January Update

At Christmas time we celebrate the birth of our savior. But have we ever really thought of what he did? Jesus came to this earth as a helpless little child. He had to learn to walk, to talk, and to be potty-trained. The creator of the universe humbled himself and…
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RUN Global Thank You Video

I wanted to share a video I put together for our many donors to RUN Global. Mike shares some highlights from the year and accomplishments of the ministry. God gets all the glory! Praise be to him. The second half of the video features our teams in Nepal and India…
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Merry Christmas – 2021

Hello dear friends, Merry Christmas! We hope and pray that this finds you well. We are thankful for you. We launched our work in the fall of 2019 and God has done some amazing things. We are thankful you are a part of our team! We pray that God’s abundant…
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When we go out, we drive to our location, then we pray in the van before exiting. As I was praying that day I said, God you can move people and bring people to where you need them to hear your message. I also said I was excited to see…
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Daniel – Laura and Bekah met him recently. After talking for a while, he shared his testimony. A year and a half ago he needed a surgery. The doctors only gave him a 10% chance of survival. During the operation he either died or had a vision where these evil…
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Baptizing Mitch

One of our neighbors named Mitch, moved to Yuma to work in the RV park in September for the winter. He is a young guy (27), from Wisconsin. We became good friends and had many morning walks in the desert talking about God. I have fully shared the Gospel with…
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Giving Tuesday 2021

Hello dear friends, Today is Giving Tuesday! Giving Tuesday was created in 2012 as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. It is touted as a “global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and…
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Helping a Christian Widow

One of our team members mentioned a Christian widow in a village he visited that was in need. Many homes are cheaply constructed of bamboo, mud and a roof of hay. During the rainy season, the ground can get saturated along with the mud walls causing them to slump. In…
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RUN Global Mosquito Nets

A few months ago, we did an appeal for mosquito nets. Here is the wording from that appeal. Every year mosquitos are a real problem in Nepal and India, especially from May to October. But now with COVID cases rising again in these areas the danger is even greater. Imagine…
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