All Stories

Thanksgiving in Nepal

One advantage about being in Nepal is that I am 11 hours and 45 minutes ahead of US Central Time. So, we ate our Thanksgiving Dinner about 5 hours ago (5:00 PM local time), which was 5:15 AM Central. As I write this, your turkey has been in…
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Nepal Travels

We arrived in Kathmandu at around noon on October 7th, but I didn’t stay long. There were some pressing things that Mike Keator and I needed to address at our team site in Biratnagar, so we left the next morning for a short flight to visit the team. …
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Learning About RUN Global

I (Ryan) am learning so much about the structure of RUN Global and all that is involved with a church planting movement. I have been focused on helping where I can, teaching when needed, and offering suggestions/advice when I have it. It has been a wonderful, wonderful…
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Traveling To India

The camper is buttoned up for the winter and we are ready for the next leg of the journey. It takes quite a bit to move our family. With 7 of us and traveling with everything in suitcases (10 total checked bags), we take up some space. We…
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Ministry Update

The ministry in Nepal / India is rapidly growing, five months ago, we had five teams, now we have eleven teams in India and Nepal, and three more are forming (the map above shows our training center locations)! People are coming out of the woodwork to join up to…
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Travel Updates

We have driven 3185 miles and visited 14 states since the first of August. We have slept at 1-Menard’s, 2-Costco’s, 3-Walmarts, numerous rest stops and many host homes / churches over the last month and a half. We still have some distance to go, namely the LONG flight…
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August Update

We have been really busy the last month or so. We did some traveling to visit some family, then finishing all that was involved with selling our home. We closed on our home August 5th. My last day of work was on Friday August 9th. On…
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