Neighborhood Conversations

There is No God!

To go from there is no God to a point where there is a God, I’ll call that a win. She didn’t receive Christ that day, but I invited her to church and also gave her my number. I pray that God continues to work in her hard. Pray that God removes her stony heart and gives her a tender and responsive heart.
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Is God Real? Send me a sign!

She had just been searching on the Internet to see if God is real. She asked God to show her a sign. Well, this was her sign. As soon as she was searching for this on her phone, the girls rang the doorbell and talked to her husband.
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I Knew You Were Going to Say That!

I Knew You Were Going to Say That!One night recently I knocked on door and asked if they needed prayer. Brian answered the door and said he was a Christian too. He said his wife was sick and I asked for her name. He then asked my name, then also asked for my last name.He responded, “I knew you were going to say that!”The man had heard about the Stahl Family that goes door to door praying and evangelizing in the neighborhoods. I then inquired more and he said he had heard about us from his church. He then mentioned…

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Street Preaching in Yuma!

My perspective is that I will do anything to share Christ. I will do anything to support and encourage others to share Christ too. There are very few people willing to share, but so many people need to hear!
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