Do you remember me?
Crossroads Mission is a Christian based drug and alcohol treatment center. They have a half hour chapel service every night of the week. The center invites people to come share at the service. I got connected through a local pastor and have had the opportunity to share 3-4 times in the last couple of months.

One night I had a few conversations after the chapel service, but then went outside to talk with Ken. He is the guy that invited me to preach with him. As I was standing there a guy came up and asked where I went to church. I said Ken goes to New Mountain church and he brings the church van over every Sunday morning to pick up people to church.
This man then asked if I remembered him. And I said, “yes, I do. You are Abel.”
Two of my kids met in the neighborhood knocking on doors in the fall of 2023. We ended up meeting up with him several times at his house for a Bible study. He really wanted to go to church so we had made plans a couple of times to take him, but then he just stopped responding to texts.
One day we stopped by his house, he was surprised and didn’t seem too excited to see us. We just left and gave it up to the Lord and trusted that He would continue to do a work in Abel’s life.
Fast forward about 10 months and Abel comes up to me outside of Crossroads Mission. He proceeds to tell me all that God has been doing and was thanking me for coming to his house. He was telling me that all our efforts really helped him and he was praising God for that. He was in a much better place spiritually.
We praised the Lord for his work in Abel’s life. Our family praises God for letting us catch a glimpse of what God is doing.