Learning About RUN Global
I (Ryan) am learning so much about the structure of RUN Global and all that is involved with a church planting movement. I have been focused on helping where I can, teaching when needed, and offering suggestions/advice when I have it. It has been a wonderful, wonderful time here!
RUN Global is working on mobilizing Christians in their nations to actively share the Gospel, form T4T groups and plant churches. We start T4T groups by winning souls through evangelism and by engaging with churches to train Christians on T4T methods. Each red dot below is an unreached people group in Nepal.

We are working to Reach the Unreached Now! There are 275 people groups in Nepal and 265 are unreached! Let’s put this another way… Nepal has 28.5 million people and 90%, or 25.75 million are unreached. They haven’t heard the name of Jesus. That is why we are here! If you want more in depth info take a look at this: joshuaproject.org.
We are working to reach the nations for Christ and to see the Great Commission fulfilled!!
The Great Commission is Jesus’ last words in Matthew 28:19-20
19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
We want to make disciples of Christ, in all nations that not only listen to the word but obey his teaching by actively working to see the Great Commission fulfilled!
T4T stands for Training for Trainers. (http://t4tonline.org/) It is good thing if you form a T4T group. Even better is if you train your T4T group to start their own T4T groups. These groups are for encouragement, for accountability, for training/equipping and for church planting. But the big goal is that you train people to form T4T groups/churches, who train others to start T4T groups/churches, who train others to start T4T groups/churches. With this model we can exponentially grow and reach the nations.
We realize that there are many different skills in the body of Christ. Not everyone in a T4T group will start their own T4T group…..
Matthew 13:8
8 Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!
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